Why I Don’t Promote Collagen Supplements

Why I Don’t Promote Collagen Supplements

Collagen supplements are all the rage these days, promising better skin, less joint pain, and overall wellness. However, I’m not jumping on this bandwagon, here's why: 

The quality of collagen supplements can be all over the place because they are not as strictly regulated as medicines. Collagen supplements are considered dietary supplements, not drugs. This means they don’t have to go through the expensive and extensive clinical trials that medications do. Pharmaceutical companies don’t see the point in investing heavily in testing something that doesn’t need it to hit the market.

Proving that collagen supplements actually help with things like skin elasticity or wrinkles requires long, expensive studies with lots of participants. Even then, the results might not be clear because everyone’s body responds differently. Also, collagen supplements can interfere with certain medications, potentially reducing their effectiveness or causing side effects. For instance, collagen might affect blood clotting. So, it’s super important to talk to a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you’re on other medications or have health issues.

Lastly, if you are someone who avoids animal products, like me, animal-derived collagen isn’t for you. Most collagen supplements come from animals like cows, pigs, chickens, or fish. This raises ethical and environmental concerns, plus getting collagen from marine sources can harm ecosystems. Eating whole foods is a more sustainable and ethical way to go. Relying too much on supplements can lead to an unbalanced diet. It’s totally possible to boost your body’s collagen naturally by eating collagen-rich foods such as: bone broth, fish, citrus fruits and leafy greens vegetables.

While collagen supplements might offer some benefits, focusing on a balanced diet, considering plant-based alternative products, and talking to a healthcare provider is a safer and more effective ways to take care of your skin’s health. 

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